The top two photos listed are the original brochure that Mr. Starbuck sent me. The bottom two are the ones I redid. This was originally made in Microsoft Publisher and I was told to redesign the entire brochure. I wanted to use InDesign, because Publisher doesn't have as many design options. I first started off by finding a font online that would best suit the brochure. I then added easy to read font that made each location stand out. In the original brochure, the titles were lacking emphasis. I decided to also put the number corresponding to the place on the map in a circle next to the font to help it stand out as well. I added most of the pictures I was given back into the brochure. I added a bold green outline to them. As for the front of the brochure, I used a picture that I found. I used the new logo that I created on the top of the brochure. The map is slightly blurry, so if Mr. Starbuck does decide to use it, I will ask him if there is a higher resolution map that I could use.

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